For the Lab 1a, step 66, it says, "Next, I dragged Follow Up under Email." However, I don't have the section "Follow Up." What should I do? I attached a photo below.
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Yes, from your screencaps I see that you either 1) skipped the steps where you were supposed to add "Follow up" as a field or 2) added it but didn't folllow Max's insturctions to click the Next, Next, etc. SLOWLY so that the pages you are skipping could fully load and execute their code so the field did not get made "visible" and does not appear in the page layout section.
Super important to follow each and every instruction carefully to make this stuff work, ok? So now, go to Setup (gear), Object Manager and then Pitch and then Fields & Relationships and then if Follow Up is listed there, then delete it. If not, either way, just create it using the steps given. Click New and then Date and then "Follow Up" and then the Next, Next, Save, etc but be sure to do it SLOWLY this time, like Max said, so that the pages get a chance to fully load and execute their code.
Then you should be able to find it in the Pitch Layout and drag it as instructed.
Let me know, ok?