I am having issues with using the URL, below I highlighted the iod that I included in the URL and two screenshots (one showing the blank page it leads to and the other is the Leads page after being refreshed) The URL I used was: https://webto.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8"method="POST"&oid=00Dal000000Koa9&first_name=Reles
Are there any issues in my formatting? I appreciate the help in advance, thanks.

It’s supposed to be blank. All it does is add a lead record you can see under Today’s Leads. It doesn’t display anything in the window after you use the API.
If you’re not seeing the lead then there’s something wrong with the API you put together.
Try checking the Help FAQ. If you still can’t figure it out, let me know, ok?