According to the step 39, I was supposed to input the API name as Pitch Everything, but it shows that the name can be used by a public or private list view. Choose a different name. Attaching a screenshot.
Context: Due to an error before, I wasn't able to successfully import the file in pitches and I didn't notice it until the adding of the display names.
Please help me I am stuck.

it helped, thank you so much!
Yeah, computers are very picky so you really need make sure you do each and every step exactly correct. So like in Step 36, where it tells you to check and make sure that your import succeed (Records Processed: 10 & Records Failed: 0) that's where you would have realized your import didn't work and you would fix that before going on.
But anyway, you already created the Pitch Everything list view so you can't just redo that step. It's telling you that it already exists so it won't let you create another list view with the same name, is all. You can just cancel that and skip those steps. The Pitch Everything list view is already there. Where it says "Recently Viewed" on the upper left, you should be able to click that and pull down a menu of list views and select Pitch Everything and see all the records you imported, assuming you got the import to work now.
Be sure you have just 10 Pitch records and they are numbers P-000 thru P-009. Let me know, ok?