How to Fix the Error Message Settings for your Validation Rule
If you need to fix the Error Message settings for your Validation Rule:
Click the trusty old Setup gear icon on the top right & click Setup and then, on the lefthand menu, under PLATFORM TOOLS, click Objects & Fields and then Object Manager, under that
Scroll down and find Pitch & click it
On the lefthand vertical menu, click Validation Rules (at the bottom)
In the list of Validation Rules that appears in the center, click the one you're trying to fix (should be "Equity Percentage has to be 100 or less" or somthing close to that
Click either Edit button
In the Error Message section at the bottom of the central panel, make sure the Error Message textbox contains a string like "Percentages are 100 or less and so is your IQ, apparently!" to display to users when they try to enter data that doesn't follow the rule.
In the Error Location setting just below, be sure that the Field option is selected ANd make sure the field menu shows Equity Percentage as the location displaying the error message when needed
Click Save at the bottom of the central panel
Re-grade by using the App Launcher to open the Grader App and follow instructions to run the scoring routine again and then be sure to reload the page to see the updated error list & grade certificate