How to Create/Correct the Classic Email Template for the Lead Auto-Response Rule
Since you came to this page, there's something wrong with the Classic Email Template you were supposed to make with the name "auto‐response template for incoming web leads for me". It's supposed to be used by the Lead Auto-Response Rule named "This one is mine so..." to send that automatic "Thank you for your inquiry" email to any lead that comes in for you from the Web-to-Lead form.
The template needs to be correct for that auto-response email to show up on Miles Dyson's Activity history timeline as shown in the last screecap at the bottom of Lab 3b.
To fix this, if you already added the Miles Dyson Lead record, then you shoud delete it first before fixing/adding the template & then add him again to trigger the rule. If you did NOT already add him, you can skip these next two steps and go on down:
Go to App Launcher > Marketing > Leads and click Recently Viewed (upper left) to pull down and select All Open Leads and then find the row for Miles Dyson and click the down arrow on the far right end of the row & select Delete
In the popup, click the blue Delete button to confirm
Now to delete the auto-response rule that used this template, if you made one already in Steps 85-102:
On the lefthand menu, under PLATFORM TOOLS, click Feature Settings and under that, Marketing and under that, Lead Auto-Response Rules
If there are one or more rules listed there, click the Del next to each one until they are all gone
Now to delete the template itself (if you created one already in Steps 72-84):
Do Step 72 to see the list of existing Classic Email Tempates
If you see one you created already named "auto‐response template for incoming web leads for me" or something close to that, click Del by the name and then click OK in the popup to confirm and delete. If not, just continue. (Be sure NOT to delete the ones you made in Lab 3a which were named "alert Riley about a new Bay Area lead", "alert Riley about a new distant lead" and "alert myself about a new lead")
Do Steps 73-84 to create/re-create the Classic Email Template, making sure you get all the settings correct
Do Steps 85-102 to create/recreate the Lead Auto-Response Rule, making sure you get all the settings correct
If you didn't already create the myweb2lead.html file (or if you did but it's not working right just delete it and then) do Steps 103-112, 118, and 121-143 to create/recreate it making sure you get everything right this time
Do Steps 144-151 to add the Miles Dyson Lead record
When you're ready, re-grade by using the App Launcher to open the Grader App and follow instructions to run the scoring routine again and then be sure to reload the page to see the updated error list & grade certificate