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How to correct the list of Visible Fields in the All list view

  1. Click the App Launcher and select Marketing

  2. Click the Pitches tab

  3. Toward the upper left, under Marketing, if it says Recently Viewed, click the down arrow next to that and select All

  4. Click the tiny gear again (NOT the Setup gear at the top right) & click Select Fields to Display

  5. In the popup, you'll see two lists–Available Fields on the left and Visible Fields on the right and two arrows in the between for moving things from one list to the other

  6. Highlight fields and click the left & right arrows to move them as needed to get Visible Fields to show Pitch ID, Buiness Name, Investment Amount, and Equity Percentage, in that order, from top to bottom. (To change the order of the Visible Fields, highlight the field you want to move and use the up & down buttons next to that list as needed.)

  7. When you're finished correcting the list, click the blue Save button on the lower right of the popup

  8. Re-grade by using the App Launcher to open the Grader App and follow instructions to run the scoring routine again and then be sure to reload the page to see the updated error list & grade certificate

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