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How to Add the Miles Dyson Lead Record Using the Web-to-Lead HTML Form

The Miles Dyson Lead record gets added when you open, fill-in & submit the Web-to-Lead form that you create in Steps 89-98 , 104 and 107-129. It needs to get added that way, with the right values, to trigger the actions that you set up in previous steps that will show up in his Activity history timeline like the screencap at the bottom of Lab 3b. So, to get it to work right, you need to Delete  the Miles Dyson record first and then re-add it with the correct values using the form:

  1. Go to App Launcher > Marketing > Leads and click Recently Viewed (upper left) to pull down and select All Open Leads and then find the row for Miles Dyson and click the down arrow on the far right end of the row & select Delete

  2. In the popup, click the blue Delete button to confirm

  3. Do Steps 89-98, 104, and 107-129

  4. Do Steps 130-137 to add the Miles Dyson Lead record using the Web-to-Lead form you just created in the myweb2lead.html file

  5. When you're ready, re-grade by using the App Launcher to open the Grader App and follow instructions to run the scoring routine again and then be sure to reload the page to see the updated error list & grade certificate

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