How to Add a Lead Record by API
If you're not seeing the new API-added lead in Today's Leads there are three possibilities:
You didn't do some/all of Steps 103-117 where you're supposed to generate the HTML for a Web-to-Lead form and copy/paste parts of it to make a long string you enter in your browser to add the lead. If that's the case, you can do Steps 103-117 now and rescore your work & refresh the page to see the new scores but note: it won't work unless the Flow you created in Steps 34-71 is working properly. If not, then you should be receiving error emails about your Flow from SF every time you try to add the lead. To deal with that, see (2) below.
Something is wrong with the Flow you created in Steps 34-71 and it's blocking and leads from being added, including by using the long string API in Steps 103-117. If this is the case, you're getting error emails about your Flow from Salesforce every time you try to add a lead. To deal with this see this webpage for instructions: Fixing Flow Issues.
Mistakes in the long string you build in string in Steps 113-117. It maybe just one tiny character but every single one has to be exactly correct. See tips below and then try again and rescore and refresh the page. But note: it won't work unless the Flow you created in Steps 34-71 is working properly. If not, then you should be receiving error emails about your Flow from SF every time you try to add the lead. To deal with that, see (2) above.
To correct the long string you made in Steps 113-117:
Make sure it begins with:
and make sure you have the letters "oid", with an "i", like in ice cream, NOT "old", with the letter "L", like like in "old man". That's a common mistake.
Also, make sure the equals sign "=" is there after the "oid" and before the number.
And there can be no spaces anywhere! None!
And make sure the oid number is the one for your account that you copied from the HTML code for the form in Step 114. It should NOT be the code shown in red after Step 115 (00D4000000yb1T) - that's Max's oid number, not yours.
Every single character has to be correct!