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How to Add/Fix Kyle Reese Lead to Trigger New Email

In Lab 3a, adding the Kyle Reese lead (Steps 112-119) should trigger an alert email sent to you by the Lead Assignment Rule informing you that you've been assigned a new minor investment lead. But if the Bay Area Location  and/or the Investment Potential didn't get set right to the right values when he was added, the email wouldn't get triggered by the rule. To fix this, just delete the existing Kyle Reese lead and then re-add it, being sure to get the values right:

  1. Go to App Launcher > Marketing > Leads and click Recently Viewed (upper left) to pull down and select All Open Leads and then delete Kyle Reese by clicking the down-arrow on the far right of that row to pull down a menu and select Delete and then click the blue Delete button in the popup to confirm

  2. Do Steps 102 and 103

  3. Do Steps 112-119 (but just click Save instead of Save & New at the end) to re-add the Kyle Reese lead, making sure you use the exact right values and this should trigger the email to be sent by the Lead Assignment Rule

  4. Re-grade by using the App Launcher to open the Grader App and follow instructions to run the scoring routine again and then be sure to reload the page to see the updated error list & grade certificate

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