Activate the Flow you created to automatically add a task to every new lead
The Flow that you create in Steps 34-71 should automatically add the task "Send email to ask about calling" to every lead when it's created. You need that Flow (with all the correct settings) to add that task to Miles Dyson's Activity history timeline as shown in the last screecap at the bottom of Lab 3b. If you already added the Miles Dyson Lead record, then that task is probably missing from his Activity timeline, so you'll need to delete him and then delete the Flow you already made, if you did make one, since it apparently wasn't activated. Then do the steps below to Activate your Flow and then add the Miles Dyson Lead record again so the Flow gets triggered and the task gets added to Mile's Activity timeline:
Go to App Launcher > Marketing > Leads and click Recently Viewed (upper left) to pull down and select All Open Leads and then, if there's a row for Miles Dyson, click the down arrow on the far right end of the row & select Delete and in the popup, click the blue Delete button to confirm
Do Step 34 to bring up the list of existing Flows (SF comes with a bunch already built in)
Find the Flow you created -- it should have your name listed under the Last Modified ... By column and the checkbox under the Active column should be unchecked for now but you will fix that by clicking the down-arrow on the far right of that row, selecting View Details and Versions, and then clicking Activatate under Action for the top row in the list of Flow Versions
If you deleted the Miles Dyson Lead record in Step 1 above, then add him back now by doing Steps 130-137 (but if you didn't already create the myweb2lead.html file then you'll need to do Steps 89-98, 104, and 107-129 to create the file so you can then do these steps, 130-137, to add Miles back)
When you're ready, re-grade by using the App Launcher to open the Grader App and follow instructions to run the scoring routine again and then be sure to reload the page to see the updated error list & grade certificate