I have not gotten any error messages or emails. The Dyson Miles was added to leads tab. I also got verification email saying it was successful. I tried to fix and even redo all of the suggested steps but nothing seemed to be wrong. Below are photos of everything related to the problem. Please help me understand why I am still getting a 0/10 for checkpoint 2. Thank you!

Yeah, so that 10 pts is for Checkpoint 2 which has nothing to do with Miles Dyson. That one is where you're supposed to show a lead with the first name equal to the first 2 letters of your first name combined with the last 3 letters of your last name as show in the screencap below Step 120 with the big red circle with the number "2" inside it. That's Checkpoint 2.
You don't have that lead so you're missing the 10 pts. There are several possibilities for that (and the fixes for them) listed in the Help FAQ if you look there. Most likely, since you got Miles to work correctly already - you just got a single character wrong in that long URL string somewhere. Every single one has to be exactly correct or you just don't get the lead to appear - no error message, just no lead.
Redo 103-120 and check to see if that lead shows up. If so, rerun the grader, with the Developer Console, etc again and refresh the page to see your new scores.
If not, then check out the Help FAQ and follow it. If you still have trouble after all that, post back here, ok?