My "Mtn view reception" view is only showing Anu Aggarwal, it's missing Julia Chavez even though I added her and can see her in the "all" view.
Can you please help me figure out what went wrong.
Thank you!

Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
post in the right category
explain the problem clearly
I am trying to follow your guidance.
- At Step 123, when I click on "New", the interface shows 1 list of 4 Meetings (Mtg-1, Mtg-2, Mtg-3, Mtg-11) and (+New meeting).
- At Step 124, when I type "01" in Seach Meetings" under "New Meeting Attendance", it shows me "01" in Meetings
- But when I click on Mtg-01 (Step 125), I see it show nothing but only "Mtg-01" in the box "Meeting ID". Do not see "10/7/19 meeting"! I am not quite sure if this is correct so far?? I continue Step 127. I click on "Julia Chavez" to leave this name pop up in the box "COntact name". There, it shows me 03 boxes: "Cancel", "Save and new", "Save"-> PLs advise if I need to select 01 among 03 boxes ?
- Step 128: The instructions is "Back on the new record page" -> But where can I find "the new record page" ?? Which new record page is referred to??
Ok, I checked it out and found the problem. Somehow you deleted some Meeting records (4, 5 and 6) and your Meeting ID numbering is all different from what it is supposed to be. So when you created the Meeting Attendance record for Anu Aggarwal, you connected her to the Mtg-08 record, as the instructions say. But in your database, the Mtg-08 record is not the 9/30/16 meeting with Smart Technology Investments (P-004, located in Mountain View), as it is supposed to be. Instead, your Mtg-08 record is for the 10/4/16 meeting with Engell and Associates (P-001, located in Menlo Park). Since they are in Menlo Park, not Mountain View, Anu's record wasn't showing up in the view you created.
I'm not sure how your Meeting records got different numbering but you can leave that and and just fix this problem easily by just editing the Meeting Attendance record for Anu Aggarwal. Just change the Meeting for her from Mtg-09 to Mtg-11 which is the one for the 9/30/16 meeting with Smart Technology Investments (P-001, located in Mountain View) and then the view will show Anu's record properly, along with Julia's.
Let me know, ok?
I did follow all the steps that you can access my account. Hope you can see the wrong one. Thanks you so much!
Ok, so do these 3 steps and let me know when you're finished. Then I can access your account and see what's going on, ok?
1) Log in and click on you name (upper right) and click My Settings
2) Click Personal (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
3) On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 Month and click Save
Hi, Tim
I still get stuck to understand why Anu... did not show up in mine. I did redo step 122 to 129 but it didn't not correct.
Does she show up if you set the view to All? I'm guessing not. But if so, let me know.
If not, then Steps 122-129 are the critical ones for Anu to show up. That's where you're adding back her info. Redo those steps carefully and see if that helps. Correct anything that looks wrong there.
Let me know if you still can't get it and I'll tell you steps to give me access to your account so I can take a look, ok?
hi, I am the same to you. But mine shows only Julia, the other lady with the name Anu... doesn't show up. I don't know why?
Sure, Jeremy. Happy to help. Glad it worked out!
Well, Julia will only show up her if:
1) there is a Meeting Attendance record that connects her Contact record to the Meeting record for 10/7/2016 AND
2) the Meeting record for the 10/7/2016 Meeting connects to the Pitch record for Spray & Pray (Julia's company) AND
3) the address on the pitch record for Spray & Pray includes "Mountain View".
So if you missed Step 29 back in Lab 2a, then the Spray & Pray record would still have the old address that doesn't include Mountain View. Check that Pitch record to make sure the address included Mountain View.
Or look at your Meeting Attendances record you added for Julia - does it connect to the 10/7/2016 meeting? If so check the Meeting record for the 10/7/2016 meeting to make sure it connects to the Spray & Pray pitch.
Hopefully, you can find the place where something's wrong and fix it, but if not, let me know and we'll try a different approach, ok?
Good luck!