Step 12 says to click the drop down menu that says "Which Pitch field
in your file do you want to match against to set the Pitch lookup field?" however it doesn't give me that option on my screen. I'm not sure why it's not giving me that option and I can't continue without it. I only have Match By and Which User field in your file designates record owners?
Sure, Brian. No worries. I hope the rest is smooth for you but if you get stuck feel free to reach out again. Cheers!
Ok, so I got into your account again and found you had two Meeting objects. You had added the fields to one of them but that one had no tab. Your Meetings tab was connected to the other Meeting object that had no fields. I deleted that empty one and created the tab for the other one. It's spelled Mettings but that's ok. I think you made that one and deleted it later. It's fine that way or you can edit the tab to fix the spelling if you want.
Anyway, the import will work now.
Ok, yeah, there couldn't be any Meeting records listed on that one because Meeting wasn't even connected to Pitch. And even if it was connected, there wouldn't be any columns to show because there were no fields.
Well try adding all that with those steps I gave you from 2a and let me know if that works for your 2b issue, ok?
But you couldn't possibly have done the 2nd half and gotten the last screen capture to show properly. I thought you said you had completed it and gotten the last screen capture to show up properly. Please elaborate so I can understand what is going on here.
Ok, thanks. I got into your account but I can't see how you were able to complete the previous lab successfully because your Meeting object doesn't even have any fields in it except the ID. This is the problem, there's nothing connecting it to the Pitch object - there's supposed to be a field you created for this in Lab 2a. Then, even if you did have that field, there are no fields like Comments, Contact Name, etc to put the imported data into anyway.
I've seen a few of these cases in the last day or two and I am struggling to understand how this is happening. Can you explain to me how you started Lab 2b without having added the fields that were supposed to be added in Steps 65-79 of Lab 2a? Understanding how you got to this point would help me a lot so please let me know.
Anyway, to solve it, you need to go back and do those steps and then it will work.
Sorry I can't find you by "Brian Le". I'll need your Salesforce Org ID which can be found by going to the little gear at the top right and then selecting Setup and then
on the lefthand menu go to Company Settings and under that, click Company Information.
Then in the middle panel, look down in the left column for Organization ID and copy/paste that long string of numbers & letters back here, ok?
Ok, taking a look now...
No, I was asking about the previous lab, Lab 2A. Did you complete that one before moving on to Lab 2b?
Ok, first tell me - were you able to complete Lab 2a completely and get the final screencap showing at the end of that one?
Now do these 3 steps so I can access your account and take a look. Let me know when you've completed them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
Click My Personal Information (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save
Sorry the subject of your posting got truncated. Can you put your question into the body of a reply to this and I'll try to help.