I did everything but I am stuck on step 143. the record does not show Julia's record which I added. It only shows 1 record for Contact Info for Mountain View Reception
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Oh, fantastic, Eve! Glad to hear it. Thanks for letting me know. Happy to help! :)
Thank you so much, everything worked!
You can't change the ID of a record once it's set but I don't think that will cause you to lose any points. If you're worried about it, you can delete 0006 and then go to the App Launcher and enter "Recycle" in the search box and click on Recycle Bin to open it up and undelete 0001 and then just edit/fix that record if you want it to be perfect. But not necessary to get 100%, I believe.
Okay, I fixed that part but when I was trying to solve the problem I duplicated the record so now the attendance Meeting ID is 0006 instead of 0001. How do I fix that?
It looks fine. The Spray & Pray pitch is probability P-012. Click it to open.
I really do not know what I did wrong but I can not even see all the 13 items in Pitches.
How do I edit and fix the address while in 2b if the mistake was made in 2a?
Are you sure Julia is connected to one of those 3 Meeting records you added in 2a for Spray & Pray?(Should have been Mtg-01, 02, or 03.) If so, is the Meeting record she’s on connected to the Spray & Pray Pitch record you added in 2a? If so, is the Address for the Spray & Pray Pitch correct, containing Mountain View as the city and if so, is it spelled correctly? If any of that is wrong, just edit and fix it and then she should show up in your final list view. Let me know, ok?