I completed the whole lab but now it's saying this. I didn't do steps wrong on previous labs so I'm confused why I would have to create a whole new account???
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Ok perfect thank you so much!
No worries, Nicole. None of this will affect your 3a or 3b at all. So if you're not worried about the grade, just ignore that message and carry on with 3a when you're ready.
It took off a bunch of points and says I can't fix it unless I make a new account. I don't care as much about the grade at this point because I don't have long to figure this out. Is this going to effect labs 3a and 3b? When I try to upload a screenshot it gets stuck loading so this is what it says
"Looks like some or all of your Meeting records didn't get imported properly (Steps 6-20). If you just didn't do those steps at all, you can do them now (and maybe continue doing more steps for more points) and then re-grade. But if you DID try to import and something got messed up, it's probably hard to fix at this point, unfortunately. If you want to get more points, we recommend abandoning your current account, getting a new one, and redoing parts of 1b and 2a (about 30-40 minutes) so you can redo 2b and get it right this time in the new account. (Don't worry–you won't have to pay twice for Max's Pitch Package.) If you want to do this and re-grade, click here to see how."
Sorry I can't see what you tried to attach Can you try again and just use the little camera icon to embed an image?
Also, if you're getting 100% already, you can ignore whatever message about the imported data being messed up, can't you?
Let me know, ok?