I'm on step 84 and it says Move comments and enthusiasm over to selected fields. I am unable to find comments on the left side to move over I can see Enthusiasm as well as Meeting date but no comments. Is there a step that I may have missed prior?
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
post in the right category
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Ahhhhhh thank you soooo much, All is good now.
Do i also need to re do every step after 75?
Okay wow so I did exactly as you said and still comments does nto show up.
Okay just did it, wow thank you so much this is so incredibly helpful!!
I feel like i remember doing that but i may have missed it, what steps can i follow to fix this as of now.
BTW - are you sure you deleted your Pitch object from Lab 1a when you were starting Lab 1b? In the first 4 steps of 1b you are supposed to delete the Pitch object from 1a so you won't get it confused with the Pitch object that gets created as part of Max's Pitch Package when you install it in Lab 1b.
I'm starting to think you have two Pitch objects and are getting confused between them. If so, we need to fix that before you go on because it will cause numerous problems from here on out. If you can't see Comments in that Available list, you're probably dealing with the old Pitch object from 1a. Then when you can't delete that field, you're probably dealign with the Pitch object from Max's Pitch Package - you can't delete those fields.
I see that but that option is not available for me for comments, its very strange. You can see in the video i sent there is no delete option for comments.
if you could point anything out it would be so appreciated
If you're sure you made the Comments field and didn't skip over those steps, then probably when you created it, you clicked through the Next, Next.. too quickly. Remember Max said to go slowly? That's to let those pages you are skipping over fully load and execute their code. Some of that code makes the field visibility to other parts of Salesforce like the Page Layout part. To fix, it's easiest to just go back and delete Commens and then remake it with those same steps.
So go to Setup > Object Manager > Pitch > Fields & Relationships and then Comments and then delete it and remake it using New.