I tried to re-do my lab 2a assignment as I added one more pitch by accident when I came across the issue that error message format is different from the template provided. As a result, Spray & Pray became P-013 instead of P-012. In order not to affect my assignment, I tried to change the number but it did not work. So I deleted P-013 and tried to re-do the work. When I click on new, the layout has been changed without contact name, email, phone, follow up, and comments fields which were there before. I deleted all old pitches and tried to re-do lab 2a. I tried to install max's pitch package but I was not able to do it. My promo code is not working for me again as it says it has been claimed. Please kindly advise me how to fix the issue.

Yeah, sorry to hear that. When you get stuck, it's best to post here right away for help. If you try to redo labs, it tends to mess things up worse. It sounds like yours is pretty messed up now so maybe it's best to abandon your current account and get a brand new fresh one and catch back up to where you were as quickly as possible. That's not too hard - you don't have to do 1a at all and you can just do Steps 5-36 of Lab 1b and then you can start 2a at that point. And I can give you another promo code - each one works only once. Email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com, ok?