I must have done something wrong in lab 2a because when I went to do Lab 2b, my data wouldn't map onto the data wizard on step 10, my meetings wouldn't match. I went back into lab 2a and couldn't figure out where I had made a mistake. I made the bad decision of trying to do Lab 2a all over again, in an attempt to figure out where I went wrong. I deleted and re-entered information from lab 2a. However, I couldn't complete step 19 because my Pitch detail no longer included owner, contact name, mobile, email, follow up or comments. I tried going back even further but have not been able to fix my problem. If anything, I'm more confused and behind after trying to solve my initial problem. As I tried to re-enter information on lab 2b again, I couldn't complete step 7 because it doesn't show up as pitch field, instead it says user field. Pitch name doesn't show up at all.

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Sorry you've run into so much trouble, Jacqueline. I'm sure you must be frustrated. I wish you would have posted back when you first ran into mapping problems in 2b. Those are almost always really easy to fix. Now that you've undone some stuff and redone other stuff, you're probably right that it's kind of a mess.
I can tell you how to get a brand new account and catch up quickly to the start of 2b without redoing everything and I can email you a promo code so you won't have to pay again. I will email you at the Gmail address we have for you unless you want to email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com and give me a different address to use.
I went as far back as lab 1b, to see if I made a mistake there, however I couldn't get passed step 42, because a pop up error message comes up saying I've already created a Pitch Everything name. I'm sure that by trying to redo lab 2a, I accidentally deleted information from previous labs.
I've been using the Help FAQ all day trying to figure out where I went wrong. Nothing has helped and I now feel like all my previous info added from previous labs was either deleted, copied, or completely lost.