Stuck on part 82 of 2A, there is nothing in related lists.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Hello sir that worked but now I'm stuck on part 92
I can't open Word files due to security risks. You would need to post a png or jpg image file. But my guess is that you are in the Meeting object right now instead of the Pitch object. The Pitch object, in the Pitch Layout, is where you are supposed to find the Related List at the bottom. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Pitch and then look for it.
Or if that's not the issue then you skipped or messed up in Steps 65-73 where you add the Pitch field to the Meeting object. Adding that field correctly is what creates the connection between Pitch and Meeting so that Meeting is a related list to Pitch. If that's the problem, then start again at 65 and create that Pitch field inside Meeting correctly. If there's already a Pitch field in Meeting, then it must be messed up so delete it and remake it with those steps.
Let me know, ok?