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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Oh, sorry. Ok, so that's because you already had Miles in there and you were trying to add him again with the same name AND email address. Just delete him as a lead and then try adding him again and let's see what that does, ok?
Ok, first thing I see - Step 136 says:
For Investment Potential enter a number less than 150000, like 78000
but your screecap shows that you entered Miles' Investment Potential as 780,000 so you entered a number that is MORE than 150,000 and thus your auto-response rule didn't trigger and send him the email.
So for now, try adding Miles again, using your web2lead.html file and this time, make sure you put in a number that is actually below 150,000 and see if that makes a difference ok? Let me know.
Ok, I can check your account now. I'll let you know.
I did the steps over and it still won't work
Ok good luck!
Ok it looks like your auto-response rule is missing or incorrect. And also your workflow is missing or incorrect. I’m not somewhere where I can fix it for you right now so I suggest you go back and look at those and find the places where yours don’t match the images in the instructions. You can edit them and then try adding Miles again and see if you can get it to work.
No task is showing but I did open the email
Ok, well I can’t really figure anything out just knowing that it’s not working. Can you elaborate a little and include a screencap of what you’re seeing that looks wrong?