For step 12, it states
" ***NOW*** the slight twist—near the bottom of the center panel, where it says Which Pitch field in your file do you want to match against to set the Pitch lookup field?, pop open the menu labelled --None-- and select Pitch Name "
However, that option does NOT appear in my center panel. Instead, it looks like this

Then, I proceed to step 15, in which all fields appear unmapped

and, as a result, the next step:

Please help. If I missed a step in lab a, can you tell me exactly what to fix so I do not have to redo all of lab 2a?
Ok, so just go back to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting and then start with Step 65 of Lab 2a and finish it and then go on to Lab 2b.
I think lab 2a was done in, my current account. I do not have access to the old one- how do I re-add all the meeting missing fields ? Do I have to go back to a certain step in lab 2a?
One of the accounts you installed Max's Pitch Package (Lab 1b) on 9/28.
The other account, you installed it on 11/4. That's the one you gave me access to that is missing all the Meeting fields. You probably added the fields to the other account.
The one you have me access to looks like you stopped at Step 60. Can you give me access to the other account with your name?
Ok it looks like you have two accounts - you must have added the Meeting fields in the other account?
It's not that easy to accidentally delete fields but your current Meeting object doesn't show any deleted fields anyway so they never got created there. How did you get the last screencap to turn in at the bottom of 2a? Can you post that back here?
I completed all of 2a, I might have accidentally deleted it. I checked the recycling bin and can not find the old Meeting tab.
You skipped a whole bunch of Lab 2a steps. You have to finish 2a before you can start 2b.
Ok, I figured out your account and checked. Your Meeting object doesn't have any of those fields in it. That's why they are listed as "unmapped". Your Meeting object has only Meeting Name.
Ok, but all I know is "deni". I can't find you with just that.
Thank you- I just granted access
Also, I. need your name so I can look up your account.
Ok, do these 3 steps so I can access your account:
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
Click My Personal Information (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save
Yes, the custom object is Meeting
Are you sure you selected the Meeting object to import into, rather than the Pitch object (which was used in Lab 1b)?