I accidently skipped step 24, so I tried to go back and reupload my meeting list by deleting the meetings and starting again at step 22 but it wouldn't let me since "All meetings Data" was already used so i went back to step 12 to reupload the meetings and it worked but my meeting numbers skipped to 14 meeting and im missing the julia chavez one. Where can I go back and redo or fix this mistake so I can continue on with my lab correctly?
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
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Is giving you access to my account still possible? (check email)
Perfect sent and email! Thank you
Ok yeah you would just install the grader again and go from there. Np. And I would give you a promo code so you wouldn’t have to pay again. Email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com for the code and instructions.
I think I will try out the new account. That wouldn't interfere with any of the the grading correct as long as I put in my school id and name correctly. And it would it come with any additional cost?
10pm PST
10pm is when I could begin
What time would late tonight be?
Or you can give me access and I can try to fix it but I’m traveling right now and wouldn’t be able to get to it until late tonight. Up to you.
* half of Lab 2a
Yeah, it sounds pretty messed up at this point. I can give you instructions and a promo code to start over with a brand new account and begin at step five of the lab 1B and just do steps five through 36 of lab 1B and just do about half of lab to a so you can start to be fresh. Do you want to do that? It should only take about 45 minutes to get set for to be again.