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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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I finished the assignment. Appreciate the help! I had to buy the program again though and i cant seem to send reciepts to max labs because the emails arent valid to get a refund for one of them. Can you help me with this?
The mapping errors show that the Meeting object doesn't contain those 3 fields that are in the input data file. My guess is that you have already done the later steps of 2b where you delete those fields after the data has already been imported into them.Things like this happen when you try to redo steps after doing them already the first time. That doesn't work. You can't just start over with an exercise - you would have to UNdo the steps, going backwards to that point and that's not really feasible.
Same with Julia Chavez's records. They've already been deleted later in this lab exercise. You can't redo the exercise in the same account. This doesn't work. That's why we emphasize it on the cover page instruction - not to try to start an exercise over.
If you ran into a problem later in 2b that made you try to redo it, let me know what that problem is and maybe that can be fixed/solved. But if thing are too messed up at this point, you may need to get a fresh new account and redo parts of 1b and 2a to be able to start 2b "clean" and go from there. Here are instructions on how to do that if you want:
You wouldn't have to pay again and you wouldn't have to redo 1a at all and only parts of 1b and 2b shown in the instructions at that link above.
Let me know, ok?