Hi there,
When I started my 2a lab there were two pitch tabs. I clicked the closest one too me and started my assignment which after grading to check (after step 92) proved to be the wrong pitch tab for the first checkpoint giving me a 3/15. Everything up until step 92 was perfect with what I was seeing so once I got to that point I found that after clicking my Pitch ID there was no option to create a new meeting. After looking at the second pitch tab I realized that that was the one that was the one needed for the assignment
to be done on to create a meeting. I know that it would not be smart to completely redo the lab, but I did the entire assignment in the wrong pitch tab so should I delete it and redo and if so how would I do so?

Yeah, Computers are super-picky so you have to follow each and every step carefully to avoid snags, unfortunately. The first 4 steps of Lab 1b tell you to delete the Pitch object that you created in Lab 1a before you install Max's Pitch Package which adds the new Pitch object. Those instructions are there for exactly that reason - to prevent you from getting confused later on.
And in case someone skips those steps, there is a warning message shown in the grader for 1b, saying that you didn't delete the 1a Pitch object and that you really should do that before starting 2a,
So somehow you missed the 4 steps and the warning from the grading and yes, as you've said, you used the wrong Pitch object for doing 2a. At this point, there may be other issues too - you might not have imported the Pitch data into the right Pitch object back in 1b. Not sure.
It probably could be fixed up with a lot of work but it's probably easier to just abandon that SF account you've been using and get a brand new one, using Max's instructions from page 2 of Lab 1a again. You would only have to repeat Steps 5-36 of Lab 1b and then you could start Lab 2a. And I can give you a promo code so you won't have to pay again if you email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com.
I think that's best option at this point.