Hi Dr. Tim,
I would like to verify I have completed Lab 2a step 17 correctly. My screenshot is not the same as the instructor's sample provided where it says "Review the errors on this page." Instead, I have a message stating "We hit a snag" and it is at the bottom of the screen. I have provided both mine and my instructor's screenshots for reference.
Thank you!

Really appreciate your help!
Excellent. Thanks for doing that, Kevin. Well done!
I've just revised the instructions to show the new message and uploaded the new version to the instructor site and will alert the instructors now, too.
Thank you! It's greatly appreciated. I have passed on the message to my classmates.
Don't worry. You got it right. That new message about "We hit a snag" is a new feature that Salesforce just added last week! We need to update the instructions but we only just found out about it ourselves. Thanks for alerting us!