After accidentally skipping a step, I used the back arrow to go back to the previous step and I started back doing the steps again but once I got to around step 14 I got a message that said 'duplicate' and it would not let me go any further, I believe I know why it said this because I had already done this step which makes sense.

Dr. Tim,
Thank you so much for your help. I hate having to deal with people over the computer, but you made it extremely helpful, thanks again.
William Monroe
Yes sir, thank you.
Ok, sorry I had something from 1-2 but i just granted you access with it.
Ok, so I made it to the second checkpoint and got the Seeing Triple part figured out, but only have a 19/30 on the second grade so I believe that it has to do with something with the cloning that I was messing up earlier, could I grant you access to it to see what the problem is?
I made it past step 17 but when I get to step 39 I have the same problem that I did before.
Yes sir, I am about to be in class but I can do it when I get back, thanks.
Ok, well you just need to make sure you have the 3 Spray & Pray records added and if you don't, then clone the 2nd one to make a third and just modify it's fields like the instructions say and go from there.
If you still need help, you can do these 3 steps to give me access to your account and I can take a look for you:
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
On the left, under My Personal Information, click Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save
So, originally I got into the steps after the cloning but that was because I messed something up in the step above and I got the same message as I did above. It was around the step after the second cloning where I began to go back originally.
Yeah, the back button doesn't undo the stuff you've done before so that rule is still there. It seems fine as it is so just go back to Step 17 and you should be able to get Checkpoint #1 to work fine. Is that as far as you got before? What step did you stop at and start going back?